Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Daily Blues 6.25.11


~angie said...

Thanks for sharing the Daily Blues, Todd. Can't agree more with your stand on today's topic. Looking forward to seeing you live in MN in August!

frederickus said...

The arrogance is astounding! (Not you , Todd, the execs).

Anonymous said...

Thanks for bringing us into your world - and head - and sharing your views on the issues facing us all.
- Andrew in OKC

Gonewishin!1 said...

I could listen to you all day.

Darren said...

Uh oh... here comes the political forum I have been waiting for. Any chance there is a message board coming with this one? Thanks for sharing... you radical lefty....

VLK said...

Hard to fathom. It should be a crime!

igottheblues said...

Yeah, the disparity is amazing. I saw an article about Exxon's head getting a reduction in his total package this year...from like 25 million to 22 million!!! What on earth can one person be doing that's worth that much?!?
And the atheletes and movies stars making just as much makes me just as ill...then again, we (coll. as a nation) created this mess.

Cindy in WI said...

As a long time fan, thank you so much for sharing your talents, your thoughts, your beliefs and the blues. I'm so glad you shared that there that are more than two sides (rep v dem) to take. I hope we can embrace ALL the other "sides" in our little country and to come together in order to solve poverty.

Tim P. said...

I totally agree. It will take enough people in this world to finally say enough is enough before anything will ever be done about it. I think it's amazing that these execs continue to get rewarded for shipping our jobs overseas and reducing the workforce here at home. And they still are rewarded even when their company does not perform. When we don't perform, we are without a job and no golden parachute. Having said this though, I think things are going to slowly change for the best eventually. Thanks for the commentary Todd. Great show this year in Isle Palms. Looking forward to it again next year.

Cindy said...

I always thought there should be a way to combine your music with your thoughts on our culture etc and happy to see you've found a way to do that- I like it!  Your comment about the middle class being poor and just doesn't know it; I think most of us are lucky enough not to know poor. Just the basics - running water and food we take for granted. That being said, one thing that we all seem to universally agree - no matter our different beliefs, affiliations or ideology - our kids aren't going to be so lucky. It seems to be playing out quicker than I thought it would. 

Lhlegend said...

Capitalism isn't the problem...I believe that its greed. Your very music is an example of capitalism has benefitted you, Rob, and seem to have "gotten ahead" pretty well even though you were middle class. Always enjoy your music and hearing your opinion. Love the Daily Blues will tune in often.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Cindy, Middle class is lower than it has ever been,but poor ? I have dear friends who are poor.They do still have health care and education. Often times no home, no bed for their 2 year old to sleep,she sleeps in her stroller at times.Folks look at this mother with blank uncaring eyes because she is not educated. Her baby has the amazing opportunity to be in the Head start program,the program that we are currently trying to cut from the budget.Where do we think these poor in every way, people will go if we dont help them? help their children? Our inner city schools are so threatened by the no child left behind testing process, they will also turn a child away for not testing well.Not teach them just test them. Same kids same poor families. We complain about feeding the kids free breakfast and lunch, lets cut that from the budget.Really? The giants are getting super rich on the backs of everyone else, but Im sure they still eat twinkies and booze it up. Numbed with their prescriptions because they cant figure out why they are still not happy. So much joy in helping without judgement or reward. BTW my friend is always smiling and will gladly help someone less fortunate than herself.