Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Daily Blues 6.30.11


Anonymous said...

todd. ur first mistake is watching FOX (fake) news channel !

Cindy said...

Excess and greed, whether it’s too much food, accumulation of material wealth – all this makes me think of the documentary film “I Am” where the filmmaker believes some of our problems (like greed) are a symptom of a larger problem. He believes cooperation and not competition may be nature’s most fundamental operating principle. He points out that nature does not take more than it needs – only humans do that. His bottom line is we are all connected to each other and everything around us. I encourage everyone to check this film out – very inspirational! Keep up the good work Todd!

Ty said...

Politicians should keep their trap shut about the word "God". The pledge of allegiance is something that most Americans grew up saying before school every day for a dozen years. It is a USA thing, not a religious thing. C'mon people, the pledge of allegiance is like apple pie. Not everyone loves it, but it stands for something great!!