Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Daily Blues 7.6.11


Anonymous said...

makes me want to commit a crime just so Todd can write a song about me...maybe a crime of passion

Todd Park Mohr said...

You love to all that casy her Jezebel
You love to call that casy,, call her jeszabel
Give her the electric chair, we all know she is guilty as hell

Would that Casey kill her daughter to have a good old party life
Would that casy kill her daughter to have a good old party life
Keep your eyes glued to that tv,keep me up night
Hmmm somehow it seems that everything ain't right

Death by execution, we all know that it ain't right
Death penalty by execution we all know it ain't right
Capital punishment does not deter the crime

Beauty and murder, between a mother and a daughter
Beauty and murder between a tween a mother and a daughter suck in just about anyone,
Beauty is the rocket fuel for a culture of smut and fodder
Sex sells they say, everybody want their fun

do you believe that nancy gave that girl a fair trial
do you believe that nancy gave that girl a fair trial
poor hobo trapped in jail today, on him nancy does not smile
Happens every day
Oh tell me what about the innocent unjustly locked away
Forgotten and and locked away
Not beautiful nor lovely, it happens maybe twice today
never have a judge like nancy grace

Unknown said...

Todd you are awesome. A song for the times, sad but true.

sheri said...

Well What heck, it is so strange all of this talk of the rich and good looking folks receiving leniency.
Hopefully there is still the law of what goes aroun comes aroun. Sweet innocent babies all over the world,suffering at the hands of grown people.No matter the verdict, these kind of people will unfortunately have children and abuse their power over them!!!!!!

Todd Park Mohr said...

doh, not my intended point sorry.

Jim said...

She is free now, and soon will have lots of money too. But she will NEVER be rich. She has a hole in her sole so deep and so empty that no amount of money or partying or sex will ever be able to fill.

Anonymous said...

The wool's pull! Awareness @ badassedness' best! This land's borrowed time for entertainment has to fall by the sharpest, if the objective was to merely recycle our very own weak, young, and blind.